Registration FAQ
Q:I’ve taken classes with you before. Do I already have an account?
A:You may. Call our office at 248-723-3500 to obtain your password if you already have an account. If no account exists, you will need to create a new one by calling the center or coming in person to the center.
Q:How do I set up a new account?
A:All Bloomfield Township Residents and Non Residents ages 50+ should visit the Senior Center with proof of residency and age to create their account. Once they have been confirmed as a resident/non-resident they can then access their account online.
Q:How do I set up family members to have the same family ID?
A:You will first need to log into your account or create a new account. Once logged in, selecting the New Account push button and saving the new account information will automatically assign the new account with the same family ID.
Q:What is my password?
A:Click the ‘Forgotten password?’ prompt on the consumer site when they log in. This will send an email to you with your login information. You may also call our office (248-723-3500) to obtain your password.
Q:Can I change my password?
A:Yes, once you’ve logged in, select the My Account push button, followed by the Password push button. A saved entry there will assign your new password.
Q:How do I register for a class?
A:Once your account has been created and you’ve logged on, view the Course Catalog and select the class you wish to register for. Simply fill out the information required on the registration and payments forms and submit the registration. A confirmation message and receipt will appear when the registration is complete.
Q:How do I pay if I don’t want to use a credit card?
A:Full payment by credit card (or bank debit cards attached to Visa/MasterCard/Discover/American Express) is the only option available for this website. Payments by cash or check must be made in person or by mail.
Q:How do I see what classes I am registered for?
A:By selecting the My Schedule push button, you will be presented with a page that lists all of the classes you have registered for. If you had not previously logged into the site, you will be prompted to log in first.
Q:If I register for a class that has a Waitlist status, is my credit card charged?
A:No. Credit card information for waitlist classes is stored as a part of your registration, but your card will not be charged until you are confirmed into the class. Once a space opens up, your card will be charged, and if you have supplied an email address, you will receive an email confirmation of your status in the class.
Q:Do I have to log in every time I want to register?
A:You can view the Course Catalog without logging in, however, you will have to be logged to register for a class. Once logged in, you may complete as many registrations as you’d like without logging in again.
Q:I’m concerned about submitting a Credit Card over the Internet. How do I know your site is secure?
A:We use the latest Department of Defense SSL technology to ensure that all personal information you submit is encrypted and cannot be read by anyone other than you and authorized BTSS staff.
Q:Some of the pages within your site indicate they are non-secure. What does this mean?
A:There are a few places in the site where you will be redirected from a secure page to a non-secure page. These are pages that do not contain any personal or secure information. When you see a pop-up window asking if you wish to view the non-secure site, click ‘yes’.
Q:What does “Your session has expired…” mean?
A:If you leave your browser unattended for a period of time, your session will expire. This means that the system has automatically logged you out of the site. This is done for security purposes. Simply log into the site again and proceed.
Q:I can’t see everything on the system. I’m not able to submit my registration form.
A:"This site best viewed using Internet Explorer 7.0+, FireFox 20.0+, or Safari 3.0+". Browser versions lower than this level will not be able to access certain information.
Q:I’ve tried to register for a class, but get an error message that my credit card cannot be processed, even though I know it’s a valid account. Why is this?
A:There are many security features that are put in place when processing credit cards through the Internet. If you get an error message, please check the following:
- Review the credit card number and expiration date you’ve entered to be sure they are an exact match to your card.
- One of the security measures in place ensures that all the identifying information you’ve submitted to the Bloomfield Township Senior Services matches the identifying information your credit card company has on file for you. If name, address, city, and/or zip code do not match, you will receive a message that your credit card cannot be processed, and subsequently, your registration will not be processed. Review your Account Profile, update any necessary changes, and submit your registration again.
- Be sure the type of credit card you are entering is a type accepted by our office. American Express, Visa, MasterCard and Discover are the only cards currently accepted.
- If your Account Profile includes an email address, be sure you have entered a complete email with the ‘@’ symbol, and ending in ‘.com’, ‘.net’, etc.Q:I’ve tried to register for a class, but get an error message that my credit card cannot be processed, even though I know it’s a valid account. Why is this?
- A:There are many security features that are put in place when processing credit cards through the Internet. If you get an error message, please check the following:
- Review the credit card number and expiration date you’ve entered to be sure they are an exact match to your card.
- One of the security measures in place ensures that all the identifying information you’ve submitted to the Bloomfield Township Senior Services matches the identifying information your credit card company has on file for you. If name, address, city, and/or zip code do not match, you will receive a message that your credit card cannot be processed, and subsequently, your registration will not be processed. Review your Account Profile, update any necessary changes, and submit your registration again.
- Be sure the type of credit card you are entering is a type accepted by our office. American Express, Visa, MasterCard and Discover are the only cards currently accepted.
- If your Account Profile includes an email address, be sure you have entered a complete email with the ‘@’ symbol, and ending in ‘.com’, ‘.net’, etc.